My little man...
Daddy's little guppy :)
First christmas of my little son-shine. He just turned 10 months a few days ago, more active as i thought. He is more aware of what's happening in his surroundings now, love to watch those christmas lights flashing and likes the decors that i hang around the christmas tree and of course love to grab all of it. He can stand now without holding onto furniture and trying to learn walking slowly hand's free. He can say mama and papa now but mostly babbling sound which is loud, not kidding, it is loud, hmmm i guess he will be a singer then (mommy's wishful thinking hehe), i hope he will be like his lolos (grandfather) both sides that really has a nice voice....time flies so fast, he usually love to sleep with me in the bed early in the morning, i used to take him out from crib and transfer to my bed around wee hours, but it changed just a few weeks ago, he is more comfortable sleeping in his crib whole night till he wakes up, i missed it though :( baby is a little boy now, he wants to be alone sometimes and play......i was waiting for this moment, to be independent, not wanting mommy all the time.....but now that is happening, i feel sad :( i know, i'm weird hehe....its just that i missed the times he wants me to cuddle him all the grows so fast as i always say, enjoy and treasure every moment with him......
you just have to face it din kids grow up and one day he will have his own children too but hopefully not soon maybe after his 30th birthday hehe....
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