Wednesday, November 3, 2010

my little man's first halloween

My Little son-shine had his first halloween, too bad we never went out for trick or treating as he has still runny nose from colds, well, he wont enjoy it yet anyways, he is just 8 months and almost 2 weeks old...if we did, just mommy and daddy will enjoy the treat for sure :)...

At the same day, Douglas starts crawling in is knees and after a day he tried walking a few steps while holding onto the furniture. We are just so amazed how fast he is. Now, he is more curious, more into exploring objects, when he see some of his toys like the rattles, he will really look into it, tried to shake several times, maybe he's wondering when he shake the rattle, it makes a sound. Now he is fascinated and enjoyed playing his toys, especially the ones that has a sound. Gosh! babies grows so fast, just few months away my baby will be a toddler. Now i have to enjoy every moment with him and try to catch every developmental milestone he developed every month.