I'm so glad weather here in british columbia is back to normal now, well, its still winter though but the snow is just once in a while, like one day or just half day in a week, mostly raining 4 or 5 days a week. I can live with that, i had enough snow, one or 2 days of snow is fun but not more than that hehhe.....Now that winter is almost over, snow boots are on sale, mostly half the price, there are some 70% off. I remember me and my husband tried to look for a snow boots in several department stores last december but we cant find one as its always sold out, it sells like a cake, we just bought fancy ones which is not really good in our feet, but we dont have a choice, need to have one even if not that great. When winter started last october, ofcourse snow boots was displayed in every departments stores here, but i never bothered to buy even if my husband insisted, we never expected that it was going to be so bad, i mean going to have a snow storm here, now, when i saw the snow boots today, oh i said to my husband that i really gotta have one, i really appreciate having 1 or 2 in my shoe rack, its no fun walking in the snow with cold feet even if you wore very thick socks without a snow boots.....now i can say i'm ready for another snow day, oh not in snow storm though, i wish and i pray no snow storm ever again.....
Adelle Forever
9 years ago
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