Thursday, February 24, 2011

Douglas Baptism and 1st birthday celebration

And He took the children in His arms, put His hands on them and blessed them. --The Bible. Mark 10:16

I'm proud to announce that last sunday the 20th of february our little angel was baptized, rest assured he'll be in God's care forevermore. At the same day, we celebrate his 1st birthday too since his birthday is on the 21st. It was a blast even though the party was a little chaotic in the kitchen part, thanks to my comares for not letting me down and helping me serving really yummy foods to our friends, it wont be possible without them. The highlight was of course in the church. i love looking at my son in his little tuxedo in white with the Mother Mary holding baby Jesus and the shining Eucharist embroidered in the vest, and a white shoes. At that day, it was just him who was baptized, so the church was all ours, oh it was perfect! I will always cherish this moment forever :) I love you Douglas, you are mommy and daddy's God's miracle, our precious gift!


Nicole said...

Congratulations! And what a special day. Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts.