I started reading a story book for my precious son since he was 3 months old, he enjoyed and loves it very much, i know at that age, babies doesn't understand it yet but the sound of your soft voice is soothing to them, its an important stimulation too, when you read a book, they will see the illustrations, they will be familiar with the shapes, numbers, colors and letters. He will learn to listen, memorize, and helping his vocabulary too, i know he's too young to learn how to talk yet but early as possible is the better, reading aloud will stimulate their hearing. According to the author of kidshealth.org site that i stumbled upon, it says there that hearing words helps to build a rich network of words in a baby's brain. When you start early, babies will talk early too and loves book and will carry it until they grow old.
Adelle Forever
9 years ago
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