Here i am again trying to update my blog, i was away for almost 3 months now...well, i am a full time mom to a very challenging pretty baby boy that i adored and loved so much, i tried several times within those months but circumstances came up that was beyond my control.
Douglas just turned 5 months a few days ago, he is very active now, can roll over and reach objects and pays attention with the voice or sounds he hears, and when you tried to talk to him, he will talk back to you too by babbling. What i love about him the most, is he smiles and giggles alot, that is why i enjoyed more playing with him as he smiles back at me.
At this time, there's always new with him everyday. Oh there's one funny thing, now he is amazed with his feet, he grabs his feet and tried to put one foot in his mouth and suck it....weird but its funny hehe...
Time goes by so fast, it seems it was just yesterday that i gave birth of my precious little one, now he is recognizing and smiling at his mommy and his daddy. I haven't finish my scrap book about him yet. Shocks! My to do list almost reach the floor now! A mommy, a wife, a nanny and a homemaker = all in one! gosh, no wonder a day is not enough for me.
But being a mommy to my son Douglas, is the best thing that ever happened to me. The best gift that God has given me.